Wednesday, March 26, 2008


What a joy to see so many people at our Easter worship service! I hope all who came had a positive experience of Highlands UMC hospitality, as well as an experience of God's presence and Good News.

This Sunday, March 30, Pastor Betty will preach on the story of Thomas, the Twin, also known as Doubting Thomas, and the many traditions and stories that arose about his life after he experienced the Risen Christ.

Friday, March 4 will be our monthly Parents' Night Out for families with children up to age 7. We're changing the hours a little to 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., but it's still a great deal at $20 for one child and $15 per sibling for the evening. If you're interested in bringing your children, or if you are a church member interested in volunteering, please contact the church office at 303-477-5857 or the link at right.

Coming soon...

Introduction to Highlands UMC 101
If you would like to learn more about our church, we are holding an informational meeting on Sunday, April 13 following worship. We will begin at 11:30 a.m. If you would like more information, please contact the church office or Pastor Betty at

Highlands UMC is an open and inclusive church. We have many ways to become part of the community through worship and outreach. If you are a seeker, a pilgrim, a person with a servant's heart or someone with questions of faith, come and worship with us.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Easter celebrations: Easter egg hunt and Easter Sunday worship

Yes, that's right, this year Highlands UMC will host an Easter egg hunt, open to the whole community! Bring the kids from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. this Saturday, March 22, to search for eggs in our big, historic building, to decorate their own bags for the eggs, and to take part in some fun games and activities.

Easter Sunday (March 23) we have our big worship celebration with organ, choir, traditional hymns, lilies, and the Hallelujah Chorus! You may want to arrive a little early for the 10:00 a.m. service as we tend to be pretty full on this high holy day.

Don't forget to come Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. to remember and reflect on the forces of violence and injustice that led to Jesus' death and that remind us of how much we still need the Easter message of hope and new life today. See below for a little more about this service.

At Highlands UMC, all people are truly welcome, just as you are. We hope you'll come and experience God's love in our community sometime!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Palm Sunday and Holy Week

I know, we just had Christmas, it's not even spring yet, and here we are with Palm Sunday (March 16). Gotta love those lunar-based holidays that change dates each year.

On Palm Sunday we recall the story of Jesus entering the city of Jerusalem mounted on a donkey, as the crowd laid down palm branches and coats on the road before him. Come early for a Pancake Breakfast (8:30 - 9:30 a.m.) to benefit the youth mission trip to Louisiana this summer. Worship (10:00 a.m.) will include the children's choir, which has been practicing hard for this special day; adult choir and special vocal duet; a drama; and as always, a thoughtful sermon connecting an ancient story to the joys and challenges of everyday life.

The story continues with our Maundy Thursday service, March 20 at 7:00 p.m. We begin with Communion, a remembrance of the last supper Jesus shared with his friends, and move into a time of meditation on how the violence and injustice of Jesus' time continues in our world today. All are welcome for this service of Communion, song, Scripture, and prayer. It is only by recalling and experiencing again the depths of this most Holy of weeks that we can truly appreciate the good news of Easter morning.

More on Easter next week...

Friday, March 07, 2008

Cancellations; Raising Lazarus

Due to low interest, both Parents' Night Out (tonight) and the Snowshoeing Trip (tomorrow) have been cancelled. But fear not, there's plenty of opportunities for church involvement and fellowship coming up - Palm Sunday is only a week away!

This weekend, don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour for Daylight Savings Time! I know, it's early in March, it means getting up early in the morning... blame the 2005 Congress. On the plus side, it will be light past 6pm in Denver!

Sunday's worship will include music by our seasonal Bell Choir, and a sermon on the story of Jesus raising his friend Lazarus from death. Pastor Betty will explore how death and resurrection fit into our spiritual journey through Lent toward Easter, and into our whole lives.

Sunday, March 16 is Palm Sunday: Come early (8:30 a.m.) for a pancake breakfast to benefit the youth mission trip! Stay for the children's choir and procession with palms!

We'll have more details up soon, but mark your calendars for Maundy Thursday service, March 20, at 7pm; an Easter egg hunt for children on Saturday, March 22; and definitely come for Easter Sunday, March 23! In addition to all the usual ways we celebrate the Resurrection (choir, organ, lilies, Communion), it is the tradition at Highlands to sing the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah and invite anyone who wishes to join the choir.

All are welcome, from any age, ethnic/cultural heritage, religious background, sexual orientation, gender identity, (dis)ability level, marital status, political affiliation, hair color, or favorite animal! Worship is at 10am each Sunday.