Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Highlands UMC is a Reconciling Congregation! New members welcome to join this Sunday.

After approximately 9 months of intentional prayer, conversation, education, and discernment, the congregation voted on May 17 to become a Reconciling Congregation, with a public statement of welcome and affirmation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people. The vote passed by an overwhelming majority, affirming the following statement of welcome to be true for our church:
Highlands United Methodist Church embraces Jesus' message that God loves and accepts every person, and so our welcome knows no boundaries. In the name and spirit of Jesus, we welcome people of every age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental ability, and economic condition into full participation in the life and leadership of our congregation.

Thank you to all who have taken part in the process, for the humility, love, and grace you have shown to each other in this matter and in all things. We continue to pray for God's guidance as our church moves forward into the future.

This Sunday, May 31, is Pentecost, a time when we celebrate the birth of the church in the story of the Holy Spirit moving among the disciples after Jesus' death and the Resurrection appearances. We will be welcoming new members to join Highlands UMC during worship; if you are interested in learning more, please contact the church office.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Potluck & Reconciling Vote this Sunday

After several months of prayer, study, conversation, and discernment, Highlands UMC members and active participants will vote this Sunday, May 17, on whether to become a Reconciling Congregation and adopt a public statement of welcome and affirmation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered persons in the life and leadership of our church. This is a natural extension and expression of the identity of what has been a welcoming congregation for many years, but since so many churches are not fully affirming, our church leadership has determined that the time has come to prayerfully consider making a public statement.

After worship, instead of our usual coffee/fellowship hour, we will have a potluck lunch. You can call the church office (303-477-5857) to find out what kind of dish the Hospitality Committee suggests you bring (based on last name), but if you have a specialty that doesn't match your assignment, go ahead and bring what works for you! All are welcome to enjoy the food and fellowship.

When it comes time for the vote, we ask that only those who have been actively involved at Highlands for at least the past 4 months (since we announced these criteria in January) fill out a ballot. Plans are underway to offer an absentee vote option; more information should be available by Thursday morning.

Please continue to keep our church in prayer as we seek to know and follow the Spirit's leading. If you have questions, you may contact Pastor Betty or Pastor Kerry via the church office.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Who needs a shepherd, anyway?

This Sunday, May 3, Pastor Kerry will preach on Psalm 23 and John 10:11-18. We will celebrate Holy Communion - all are welcome in worship and at Christ's table.

We are also pleased to welcome the cast of Curtains Up! Theatre Company's production of Godspell to share two songs with us in worship.

Visit our main website to learn more about Highlands UMC.