Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Survey Results

Summary of Christian Education & Ministry Survey Results

Thank you to all who responded to the recent survey about Christian education and other ministry activities. In case you are wondering what we learned from the results, here is a brief summary of the highlights:

49 people took the survey; 40 completed it. Of those who completed the survey, 3 were age 30 or younger, 18 were 31-45, 11 were 46-60, and 8 were 61 or older. 18 reported having children or youth in their household.

Interest in adult Christian education was substantial (16 would come twice a month or more), though many expressed a commitment level entirely dependent on the topic. Sunday mornings and evenings had the greatest amount of interest.

Several topics struck people as interesting enough to attend:

Spirituality (28)
Theology: discussions about God (24)
Bible study/learning about the Bible (23)
Ethics or social issues (22)
Learning about other religions (21)
Topics that relate directly to my life (20)

Ministries, programs, and other activities that received significant interest included:

Bible study (15)
Book discussions (12)
Movie discussions (16)
Seasonal study (12)
Short-term topical discussions (19)
Open discussions (10)
Social activities with others in my stage of life (13)
Social activities with people of all ages (e.g., game night) (16)
Opportunities to serve people in need (16)
Women's group (9)

Most of these had the highest number of responses under the medium priority level ("I'd probably come if I'm not too busy"). Which confirms what we suspected: this is a congregation of busy people! However, movie discussions, all-age social activities, and opportunities to serve people in need each received 5 or more responses that indicated a high priority, people who would definitely come.

Pastor Betty and I will make use of this information in conversation with lay leaders to determine our plans and priorities for ministry this year. Thanks again for sharing your perspective!

Grace and peace,
Pastor Kerry

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